Is Your Life in Balance?

Sometimes we focus our energies so much on a few areas of our life that we forget that other areas are also important. Which areas have you neglected recently? The Wheel of Life, sometimes called the Balance Wheel, will help you visualize your current situation. It will provide a snapshot of how you see your life today. Each spoke in the Balance Wheel represents an area in your life that can contribute to your feeling of happiness and satisfaction.
Now, you will NEVER be in total balance, however, it is important to acknowledge the areas of your life you may have been neglecting in pursuit of your other goals. If you wish, you can make the wheel more meaningful by changing any of the eight aspects given here. Give yourself a score based on your current level of satisfaction with each. This does not mean you are to grade yourself compared to others’ success based on society’s ideals. This is about you and how you feel right now about your life. Rank the eight areas in the Wheel of Life on a scale of 1-10 (1 being completely dissatisfied and 10 being completely fulfilled)
1. Career/Business/Work _____ (1-10)
2. Social /Friendships _____ (1-10)
3. Community/Service/Charity _____ (1-10)
4. Financial/Money/Lifestyle _____ (1-10)
5. Physical/Fitness/Health _____ (1-10)
6. Spiritual Growth _____ (1-10)
7. Family/Love/Relationships _____ (1-10)
8. Mental/Personal Growth _____ (1-10)
Fill in the segments on this graph with your scores to get a visual representation of how your life is balanced.
Life Balance Wheel

1. Career
2. Social
3. Community
4. Financial
5. Physical
6. Spiritual
7. Family
8. Mental
This exercise should be repeated at least quarterly to once again get this mental snapshot of which areas you may be neglecting and why you may be having trouble gaining momentum.
In this section, we looked at your life overall. Next, we will begin to review what happened in your business this past year.