Real Estate Moms
Ever felt stress dominate your work life? Or feeling exhausted?
What if it’s possible to push towards a better balance in work and home?
Sit down, read through, and find out how you can be the person you never thought you will be.

Cheri is very positive and we have enjoyed working with her as as we kick started our business. She would try to keep us on track and accountable while infusing motivation skills.
~Theresa R
- How To Create a Marketing Plan For Your Businessby Cheri Alguire on July 27, 2022 at 3:14 pm
As a business owner, you need to create a marketing plan for your business. It’s as essential to your business as a map is to a traveler. Having a carefully laid out marketing plan can mean the difference to having a thriving business and one that has to shut its doors. A marketing plan helps […]
- Half-Time Review: How’s Your 2022?by Cheri Alguire on June 24, 2022 at 2:37 pm
It’s time for your half-time review! June just ended. How did you do in the first half of 2022? Were you able to hit your business goals? How about your personal targets? If your answers to those questions are yes, then good job! Keep going on that path, while at the same time finding ways The […]
- How To Create Your Master Project Listby Cheri Alguire on May 20, 2022 at 3:08 am
How essential is having a Master Project List for your business? The answer is: VERY. Your MPL, short for the master project list, is where you keep all your “to do” items. Whether these tasks are low or high priority, having them on your MPL helps you prioritize what tasks you need to attend […]
- The Secret To Living A Balanced Lifeby Cheri Alguire on May 2, 2022 at 12:11 pm
Are you living a balanced life? Are you putting enough focus on all the areas of your life, or are you too focused on one part that you neglect all the others? There’s a saying that most people believe in: “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” And while this proves true that The post […]
- 5 Steps to Building A Budget Plan for Your Businessby hjadmin on March 29, 2022 at 9:31 pm
How are you doing with your budget plan this year? Your budget is crucial to your business’ success because it determines how far you can go with your funds before you run dry. In a research conducted by CBinsights, some of the main reasons businesses fall is due to the failure of their owners to […]

Before working with Coach Cheri, I felt like I was at the end of my career. I was struggling to find clients and make the commission. In my first year with Cheri, we developed and worked a plan and I had my best year ever in real estate. I can now see a clear path in this career and I am excited about where the road will lead.
~Jennifer O’Brien
Books for Real Estate Moms
Is it time to Revamp your Real Estate Career?
They say that 80% of agents won’t make it. Most agents fail before they have made it to their two-year anniversary. Of those that do make it through those first two years, many are making so little that their income hardly raises them above the poverty line, let alone provides the financial freedom they are searching for.
Understand this: If you are a Real Estate Agent, you are a business owner. You may be a business of one, but you are running a business, not working in a sales career. Sales is definitely a part of it, and we even will go over one of the most important aspects of sales in this book, Sales Scripting, however, it is important as a business owner to figure out what you need to do to revamp your business to provide the success you are looking for. This book will walk you through revamping your business.

Is it time to Revamp your Real Estate Career?
They say that 80% of agents won’t make it. Most agents fail before they have made it to their two-year anniversary. Of those that do make it through those first two years, many are making so little that their income hardly raises them above the poverty line, let alone provides the financial freedom they are searching for. Understand this: If you are a Real Estate Agent, you are a business owner.

Cheri is a great business coach. She is very professional, trustworthy and deeply cares about her clients. I look forward to our coaching sessions and always walk away with a new insight on my business and the best way to take it to the next level.
~Shannon S
It’s important to find someone who has been successful at what you are looking to do, or has helped others do what you are looking at doing. Find a coach that has been successful in Real Estate and has a track record of helping others be successful.
If you are looking at help with weight loss plan, you want a coach who has struggled being overweight and has had their own success as well as someone who has helped others be successful with weight loss. The same thing applies to business coaches. If you want a coach to grow your Real Estate Business, find a coach who has experience being as a Realtor® and has helped others to be successful.
Coaches seem to be all over the place, and most of them don’t have any certification. Surprised? A lot of times, people will just take on the title “Life Coach” because they want to give people advice. Find a coach who has been certified by a coaching federation or school because certifications do exist for coaches. They need to know the tools to make you reach your goals, and if they have no training, education, or materials to grow your business, you’ll find yourself at point A again after spending hundreds or thousands of dollars.
Just because a coach worked for a friend or business associate doesn’t mean the same coach will work for you. If a coach that you’re interested in isn’t offering a free sample session, be wary of what they might be trying to get you contracted for. Your relationship with your coach is just as important as your relationship with an assistant. It has to be comfortable and open for either of you to get anything out if it. Make sure that you sample your coach before signing on with him/her.
Is your coach lost in yesterday? As a Real Estate Professional, you have to be educated and up-to-date with technology, current trends, and everything changing in the business world today. If your coach isn’t current, then you might find your Real Estate Business going down the drain. In order to grow your business, marketing, advertising and branding are of the utmost importance. These are all contingent upon what’s attractive to consumers today and are always changing. Make sure your coach is keeping up with the technology trends so you don’t get lost in old business.